
Track & Trace solutions for the logistic industry.
Powered/Enabled by Advanced Product Research in Artificial Intelligence.

A unique multimodal 
Track & Trace solution for
land, air & sea freight

 A pay per traking model


A unique Patented Track & Trace solution using IoT sensors, ADS-B & AIS transponders for a tracking at sea, air & land.
- Trace in real time the most importants freight data.
- Define alarms to receive only relevant information and take decisions


- Track in real time your freight position. Real multimodal tracking working world wide on Road, Ship & Plane thanks to our patented solution.
- An accurate Time of Arrival based on Artificial Intelligence algorithms.

Inferency’s mission is to ensure that artificial intelligence benefits all transport logistics. We provide innovative and advanced research that powers Neural Net-based algorithms optimized through machine learning on sophisticated synthetic data and terabytes of experimental data.

- Predict how long shipping will take: Thanks to Artificial Intelligence, our software is able to spot trends and risks in shipping lanes and ports, and using historical data it takes into consideration the weather patterns and busy or slow shipping seasons to determines variations in shipping time.

- Address problems before they happen. Our Artificial Intelligence based software assists with optimizing the shipping route by analyzing data, addressing potential problems before they happen.

- Better synchronized supply chain: with better ETA (Estimated Time of Arrival), waiting time are reduce and supply chain optimized

Wants to know more, please contact us  ->

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